Way back in the day...

So you are curious about my past, like who I used to hang out with. Prior to high school I hung out with whoever was in my class. I didn't really have a best friend. In high school, however, I got in good with a few cool dudes. My best friend during high school (and to this day) was Jason Garris. This boy was a stud. I met him through another friend, Byron Wong. When we all started hanging out, Jake and I usually bonded (I hate this word, but it was all I could think of) more. We began to hang out more and more, especially since we both took the bus home. Jake was the one who convinced me to join the MC wrestling team. He and I were the only two members of our class on the team. Through the years Jake and I have gotten into many interesting situations, ranging from me backing not once but twice into a Mercedes Benz my first day driving to making our own movie. Of all my friends he is one of the few I know I will keep in touch with for the rest of my life. Come to think of it, I should call him. I'll do it tomorrow (if I remember). This is a picture of us with our lettermen jackets on just before we went out to party.

Another one of my close friends that I keep in touch with is Brian Caynan. He is a student at UCI studying Civil Engineering. I talk to him regularly by way of email. When we were in high school we used to play basketball all the time. Because of him I got a job at Save-Mart (originally Fry's). There were only two positive things about this job. The first was the money (obviously). The second was that I learned how to supe up a common lighter into a full out blow torch (I'm not a pyro-no really). I try to hook up with Brian now whenever I can. One thing I have noticed is that a lot of the old guys have changed since high school. Brian is one of the few that hasn't changed much, or at least not in a way so as to strain our friendship. If you ever see him call him Thirty-one Flavors (its something to do with his fraternity-L.T.D.).

Our gang of friends was rounded out by Byron Wong and Jim Waldron, neither of whom I have pictures of (at least not scanned in). Byron is this huge Chinese dude. He was small then went on this weight lifting binge and is like Hans 'n' Franz from Saturday Night Live. Jim was a goofy, skinny white guy that was the first to have a car. We used to always play basketball after school. On Fridays we would occasionally get together to bond and play stupid drinking games (like playing HORSE but with darts). If you are interested ask me about summer school at College of Marin with Byron.

I could list tons of interesting stuff about what we did. However it is late and my brain has been running on empty (if it ever was running) for awhile so I can't think. I'll update this page as soon as I remember it exists.